
Showing posts from January, 2019

Brief about Digital Marketing

hey everyone  am talking about the topic of "Digital marketing"   and  its  modules  What is Digital Marketing?     Digital marketing   is the   marketing   of products or services using   digital   technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other   digital   medium.    marketing strategies are:-   1.mode of attraction google social media youtube blog 2. appearance UI-UX colour scheme communication contact us more visible 3.lead/sale ethical bribing better content 4.conversation of leads email marketing mobile marketing remarketing 5. customer delight free brand awareness influence marketing Modules are: SEO, SEM/ADWARDS/PPC, SMM/SMO, AFFILIATE MARKETING, EMAIL MARKETING, MOBILE MARKETING, SEARCH CONSOLE, ANALYTICS,  ADSENCE, CONTENT MARKETING if you want to learn more things about that visit    best Digital marketing training institue is bangalore